What is really understood about the power of having the right perspective? How many people are afraid of failure? I write quite often about combating the blockers that stop people moving on in life and in business. Being afraid of failure will hold you back. Learn to take risks by having the right perspective especially if building a business with ideas working from home.

Let’s be honest, you’re not living if you do not fail. Taking risks can be exciting. We are not born to be great and successful at everything. We learn through application and experimenting and this is regardless of training and education. The secret to success is not to quit – despite this being a short four letter word that is easy to say and do. Maybe it should have been a much longer word?

History shows that failure can be the path to success. At school, Napoleon was rated 42 out of a class of 43, yet he built an army to conquer many parts of Europe. George Washington lost 2/3rds of his military battles, yet against overwhelming odds won the revolutionary war and changed American history. Albert Einstein, a slow learner, was advised to change his studies from physics to something else. Yet he is considered the father of the atomic age.

The list goes on. We shouldn’t dwell on people’s failures, the journey to their success, but take the right perspective and look at their contributions to the world.

Only when you consider your failure really is final that you become a failure. Failure is not an event, it’s an opinion.

‘A righteous man may fall 7 times and rise again’

The fear of failing! Is this you? Are you in this space? The fear of failing could prove fatal in achieving your gaols by preventing you from trying again and again.

Baseball players normally hit the ball 3 out of 10 times. How do these guys go out and play with such a high failure rate. They focus on the law of averages. They know if they keep swinging the bat they will eventually get on base.

In 1952, Roger Bannister a forma English athlete, ran in the Olympics in an attempt to beat the 4 minute mile record. In his race he came 4th place and failing to win anything. However, he refused to quit his goal to run the mile under 4 minutes. The historic event took place 6th May 1954 and Roger Bannister achieved his goal. Nowadays, runners do this all the time.

If you refuse to quit when you fail, you can ultimately succeed. You need to be willing to get back up.

Abraham Lincoln was defeated a number of times on his journey to become the 16th President of the USA. Today, he is considered to be one of the best. The wise man concluded:

‘It’s a mistake to suppose people succeed only through success. They often succeed through failure’.

By doing something the wrong way, you will soon learn to do it the right way. This is so true – practise makes perfect. The truth by failing in one area will drive you to explore other areas.

Most success in life is through trial and error. However, if you don’t like something then you are likely to fail. But this is driven by the lack of effort and commitment.  If you hate your job, you are likely to fail at it.

What do you understand about serving leadership? The benefit of failure makes you less judgemental of others. When you experience failure, you become more sympathetic. Instead of pointing and condemning others of their failures, instead you lend a helping hand and show them the way. Instead of saying, ‘I can’t believe you did that’. You take the view that you have been there and because of this understand their pain. This makes you a better mentor.

In the dictionary, striving and struggle comes before the word succeed. Coincidence or done on purpose?

Make the transition to live the dream. Learn from the mistakes you make. Don’t be afraid and have the right perspective.

We can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or know how.

My name is Gary Oakes and I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop the passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is much about internet marketing techniques (free information). Step 3 provides an opportunity to work from home. The website is full of information and you will not see such valuable information contained all in one place to help you. The journey starts by following this simple link to Ideas Working From Home.

There is no commitment or expense to view the free material available to help you, and you never know, this might be the very thing you are looking for!

Here is another article about motivation, but this time focusing on conditioning. Let’s start with a question. What keeps you going in life? Is it faith, belief, drive or is it fear? The reason I ask this is because the way we think, behave and act is influenced by the we are brought up. This includes schooling, family life, interaction with friends and the environment for which we surround ourselves. This is all part of the conditioning embedded within up to now.

With conditioning, be aware of it, but acknowledge it. Although by all means use it to your advantage. If looking to do something different then it may be a case of reprogramming. There are a lot of people looking to do something different, wanting to create ideas working from home, be their own boss and run a business in their own way. 97% of people are just not tuned in to do this because their conditioning has taught them to get an education and then get a job working for someone else.

3% of people think differently and aim to become an entrepreneur and be in control of their own destiny. This is hard work and is not for everyone although anyone can achieve great things if given the right guidance and direction. So what is the mindset of a 3% leader. There are basically 5 areas they focus their time:

  1. Daily visualisation and meditation on their goals
  2. Income producing activities
  3. Working on yourself
  4. Making the commitment to mastermind with other leaders each and everyday
  5. Cultivate the expectation of leadership
Here is an interesting perspective regarding conditioning.

In the USA, the standard railway gauge is 4’ 8½”. This is the measurement between the rails. Why such an odd number? Why the question?

The railway gauge in the USA was built to the same gauge to that of the UK. The people in the UK who built the railway followed the same gauge as the tramways. The tramways were built to the wheel spacing used on the wagons. The spacing of the wagon wheels were made to fit in the ruts that existed in many of the roads. Now the interesting part. The ruts in the road were made from the wheels from the Roman Empire war chariots back in 50 to 500AD. These ruts are spaced at 4’ 8 ½”.

This is a great example of conditioning. People doing something because that is the way it has always been done. There are companies in trouble today because of this – didn’t see clearly or plan ahead differently because of their past conditioning. Market conditions change. People’s demands change. So you need to change. Going forward in business based on the past is not going to get you where you need to be in the future.

Next time you are handed some instructions, question where they came from? The Roman war chariot wheel spacing was designed to accommodate the back end of two war horses. Ironically, the space shuttle booster rockets were made smaller than required because they needed to be transported via rail. In other words the restricted gauge limited the size of 20th century space exploration because the gauge was restricted to the backside of two Roman war horses.

Know it or not, but the majority have been conditioned. If you could surround yourself and mastermind with great leaders and entrepreneurs then you would have a totally different outlook and perspective to life. You don’t have to follow your conditioned past, but break free, be different and create a life of your own design.

We can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or know how.

My name is Gary Oakes and I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop the passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is much about internet marketing techniques (free information). Step 3 provides an opportunity to work from home. The website is full of information and you will not see such valuable information contained all in one place to help you. The journey starts by following this simple link to Ideas Working From Home.

There is no commitment or expense to view the free material available to help you, and you never know, this might be the very thing you are looking for!

Here is a question. Do you have an open mind or are you conditioned to walk on the treadmill of life? Are you living the life of your dreams? What do I mean by this? To answer this, think about the discussion you have with friends and family about what you would do if you won some serious money on the lottery. For most, you can feel and taste what a lottery win would do to your life. This is in effect a vision to which you aspire.

Okay now let’s look at this in a different light. The chances of having a big lottery win is very remote – the odds stacked against you. So what then is stopping you trying to fulfil that vision, your dream by doing something different? What is stopping you looking for and pursuing an income opportunity through Ideas Working From Home that will allow you move towards your desired destination? Let’s be clear, this may not be a quick fix and something you will have to work for. 

So, are you doing what you really want to do? I hear a lot of people wanting to be successful, want to make a lot of money so as to quit their job, leave their old business behind, replace the spouses income and/or to work from home. A lot of people want a lot of things. People want to reach out to their dreams. This is clear.

Consider this, you don’t get what you want; you get who you are!

You may write down your dreams, your goals, plan out what you want to do, be this, be that, be recognised, stand up on the stage, be heard etc. Whilst you think all this and say all the right things, are you actually doing the things that you know what to do? My bet is you probably are not doing what you know. Even if you are taking action, your fears, the uncertainties, doubts and that small voice in your head keeps niggling you saying: don’t do it, you are not good enough, you can’t do it, why should you be successful? Who do you think you are, wanting to be different to everyone else?

Are you finding that little voice in your head is bringing you down, holding you back, talking you out of greatness that is within you? If the case, now is the time to stop taking advice from your past, your mind and the conditioning of life up to this point. Now is the time to create a new voice, new thoughts and a new perspective to see the world in which you live. Think differently, think positively, believe in yourself and be the best you possibly can. Is it really that hard?

If reading this, you are already privileged to be surrounded and blessed with technology. This technology comes at a price, but you may just take it for granted. There are many in the third world countries that struggle to get food and water - the essentials. Their survival is hard. Living day by day is hard. You live in a world of opportunity, but perhaps you just have not woken up to this. However, it is your past that is stopping you creating a new future. It’s your past that drags you down. The past has created your current belief system. All the past baggage needs to be reprogrammed.

We want change, we do want something different based on the vision of a lottery win. So change and fight against that little voice.

Here is a thought. Think about a jet fighter aircraft, say an F15. Once armed and in action, the plane has a lot of power. It’s an effective killing machine, fast, manoeuvrable as well as having a great defence mechanism. And there is you, the pilot with your uniform sat in the cockpit. You are the conscious mind for this great weapon yet you are a fraction of the size and have a fraction of the power of the plane. However, the pilot controls the plane, guides it to where it needs to go and into action when required.

You need to make choices. Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change. We are powerful and we can take control.

So what is the message? The message is simple. Nothing is stopping you getting the success you desire. There is nothing standing in your way. Why is this? Because your mind is now clear.

The journey will not be easy, but it will all be worth it in the end.

We can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or know how.

My name is Gary Oakes and I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop the passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is much about internet marketing techniques (free information). Step 3 provides an opportunity to work from home. The website is full of information and you will not see such valuable information contained all in one place to help you. The journey starts by following this simple link to Ideas Working From Home.

There is no commitment or expense to view the free material available to help you, and you never know, this might be the very thing you are looking for!

Here is a question. Do you believe in yourself and in your abilities to do want you need to do to achieve the things you want in life. This isn’t a strange question. I’m not talking about talking a good talk, but more a case of an inside feeling that you can do it. If you don’t feel this way then what is stopping you? If you need people to listen to you and believe in what you believe then you must stand up and be heard.

Martin Luther King had a movement and a great gathering for his ‘I have a dream’ speech. Here was a person who had followers who believed in what he believed. The mass gathering took place without all the media that is available today.

So are you one the 3% or one of the 97% of people? What is the difference? It’s only 3% of the population that actually goes out and build a lifestyle of their own design. I don’t mean those who are top earners, but those who go out to fulfil a dream. Yes success may be measured by wealth, but quality of life is also a great driver to do that something different.

Going out, being different and moving away from the early years of conditioning from school, friends and family means taking risks. You may get some things wrong. It might even be fearful. Either way, experimenting and trying with determination and passion will help you move forward. If your dream is to establish a business opportunity to work from home (Ideas Working From Home) then don’t let anything stop you. Allow yourself to be different. You will unstoppable once you are on a passionate mission.

There may not be any short cuts and you may struggle on your journey. You will have to work at it as it is unlikely that anything will be presented on a plate. Here is an analogy.

Some bees were taken into space mission for a study for the affects of weightlessness. Similar to humans in space, the bees floated around with ease. They didn’t have to use their wings. It looked as though they were thriving without any work, without any struggle, without adversity. After 3 days, all the bees died. This can be summed up in these few words:

“They enjoyed the ride, but they didn’t survive”. Bees are not meant to go through life without using their wings. You are not meant to float through life either. Challengers make us stronger.

Here are 10 rules to consider to fuel your life:

1.         Be the driver
2.         Have desire, vision and focus
3.         Display positive energy
4.         Share your vision with others
5.         Don’t waste your time with those who are not interested
6.         Dispense of the energy sapping vampires
7.         Be enthused as this does attract people
8.         Show and display love and care for people
9.         Move forward with passion
10.       Have fun & enjoy the journey

Design to live in a world of less resistance.

At times if looking to establish a home business then it can be compared to that of a puzzle. You unwrap the contents, look at the picture, lay out the pieces, start by building the edges and fill in the middle.

So how is business any different? Focus on a goal, lay the foundations, build a framework and complete the picture – your vision. All the time keeping focused on the picture. For some, building a puzzle is difficult, will get bored and fizzle out. However, you need to stay with it and complete the puzzle.

Are you committed to seeing things through? You have got to be committed.

We can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or know how.

My name is Gary Oakes and I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop the passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is much about internet marketing techniques (free information). Step 3 provides an opportunity to work from home. The website is full of information and you will not see such valuable information contained all in one place to help you. The journey starts by following this simple link to Ideas Working From Home.

There is no commitment or expense to view the free material available to help you, and you never know, this might be the very thing you are looking for!

Have you come across the term ‘board of directors’ in respect to helping you enjoy and fulfil your life? Your board of directors are those people who you look up to, seek inspiration, advice, guidance and direction. These are the people you can count on in your life to help you out of awkward situations and to be their when you want to talk. It is so easy to get lost in the fog of life, so having people you trust on your board can help you maintain that forward thinking and prosperous mindset.

Without the board, you are on your own. In this case how do you see yourself and how do you make your way through the traffic of life? Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe you have what it takes to take control and seek what you want? You are unique therefore have been created to do great things. You have been gifted with insight, talents, ability and wisdom. You have everything you need to reach your dream or destiny.

If you are looking to become an entrepreneur, a leader, starting your own business then you need ideally you need mentor or mentors and these are your board of directors - surrounding yourself with people who have the same vision. Equally you need to believe in yourself especially if looking for ideas to build a business Working From Home.

Let’s interject with a short story.

Years before transatlantic flights were common, a man wanted to travel from Europe to the US. He worked hard and saved his money. Eventually he had saved enough to board a cruise ship. The trip at that time took between 2 to 3 weeks to cross the ocean. Having spent nearly all his money on the fare, he purchased a suitcase and filled it with cheese and crackers.

During the voyage, when it came to eat, he would make his way to the dining area, but instead of sitting at a table, crouched in a corner to eat his cheese and crackers. This routine went on day after day. He could smell the food being served up. Where many were complaining how full they were, he could only wish for the day to have a decent meal. But he had no extra money.

Towards the end of the trip and nearing the US, a man walked over to the person sitting in the corner and pointed out he had noticed him time and time again avoiding the good food and eating his cheese and crackers. He asked why he didn’t want to eat in the banquet hall with the others. The man in the corner felt embarrassed and explained how he only had enough money to buy a ticket for the journey across the ocean and had nothing left to buy food.

The gentleman replied, “Sir, didn’t you realise the food was included in the price of the ticket. The meals have already been paid for”.

When I first heard this story, how many people do you know have missed out and retreated into the corner. The man in the story had a goal, but he failed to address his shortfalls. True story or not, I feel this is not untypical of people making their way through life.

Are you a person sitting in the corner eating cheese and crackers or do you dine at the table? Don’t hold back. Take in the big picture. Develop a positive mindset, encircle yourself with positive and inspirational people (Your board of directors), take risks, believe and go out and do what it takes to get you to where you want to be.

Learn to play to win. Go out and change your ways and days today.

We can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or know how.

My name is Gary Oakes and I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop the passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is much about internet marketing techniques (free information). Step 3 provides an opportunity to work from home. The website is full of information and you will not see such valuable information contained all in one place for free being available to help you. The journey starts by following this simple link to Ideas Working From Home.

There is no commitment or expense to view the free material available to help you, and you never know, this might be the very thing you are looking for!

What is the difference between those who make things happen compared to those that don’t? One of the differences is that those who are on a mission, want something so badly is driven by having a vision. They know what they are striding for, can see it and taste it. They follow through and do what is necessary to get to their destination. It’s like someone just filling bags with sand compared to someone looking to prevent a town from flooding. See the difference?

Getting to ones destination is based on the bigger picture and not those mundane repetitive activities done on a day to day basis. It’s all about putting things into perspective.  It’s the bigger picture that drives you to do the things you do. So does this sound like you? Do you have a vision to help you reach a destination. If not, then maybe this is one of the reasons you are not moving forward in your life or business.

People think their vision, what it is they want, is so different from what they have to do to get there. Ideas Working From Home start with having a vision.

So what does having a vision really mean? Let’s break this into 4 parts, but based on one of the five things leaders do which is ‘day to day visualisation and meditation on your goals’.
  1. Passion. Having passion and focus allows to experience ahead of time and feel the emotions associated with an anticipated future. When you start visualising, you start feeling it hence has an emotional impact. Having focus is going to help you drive things through and help with things to come.
  2. Motivation. This is much about completing a task or tasks. In other words to finish those things that really matter. There maybe wasted hours and days is necessary if needed. Dedication and commitment is driven by motivation.
  3. Direction. A vision gives a road map. Doing something that helps you get closer to your vision gets a green light. Everything else is approached with caution. Prioritise your days to help achieve great things. Without vision, those things that matter will stop you achieving those great things. People without a vision are easily distracted – drifting from one thing to another.
  4. Purpose. A purpose gives you a reason to get out of bed in the morning. It’s a case that if you did not show up that something important will be missed. Leaders show up.
This is not much about unicorns and rainbow stuff, but a way to establish what it is you want, feel hungry for it, have a target but most importantly know why. If you have lost your guiding light to what it is you are looking to achieve then seriously stop what you are doing. Take time out and sit back. If you are frustrated then this may be down to the lack of a system.

Take a high level view to what is going on. Are you achieving the expected results? Are you heading in the right direction? Really question yourself. Make a list of everything that is working. Aim for at least ten things. This should help shift your mind onto what is working as opposed to that that isn’t. It is really easy to lose sight, but setting a vision will help you get back on course.

Be clear on your vision and do what it takes to get to where you want to be.     

We can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or know how.

My name is Gary Oakes and I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop the passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is much about internet marketing techniques (free information). Step 3 provides an opportunity to work from home. The website is full of information and you will not see such valuable information contained all in one place for free being available to help you. The journey starts by following this simple link to Ideas Working From Home.

There is no commitment or expense to view the free material available to help you, and you never know, this might be the very thing you are looking for!

How many times have you come up with an idea, do nothing about it and then find later the idea is being marketed. This has happened to me many times and sure I’m not alone. It all comes down to seizing the opportunity and making life changing choices. You will never be successful at anything if you keep putting things off or taking too long to make a decision – missing out.
In the 1870s two men worked extensively on modifying and improving telegraphy at a time working on technology much different to that of today. Both men were looking at transmitting sound down a wire and both explored the transmission of the human voice electronically.

What’s remarkable about this event is that both Alexandra Graham Bell and Elisha Gray filed their ideas at the patent office on the same day. On February 14, 1876, Gray filed a caveat (declaration for the intension to apply for a patent) with the U.S. Patent Office for a telephone design that used a water transmitter. That same morning, Bell's lawyer filed Bell's application with the patent office. Bell was the first person to file for a patent and was a result of Elisha Gray losing time on other things. At that point, those lost minutes cost Grey a fortune.

Why share this with you? This is a good example, not about how someone lost out big time, but more to the point about someone seizing the moment. You really don’t want to miss the boat especially if you have Ideas Working From Home you wish to market.

Another point to make is to only work on things that matter that makes a difference. Don’t settle for a ‘B’ grade. Aspire to succeed at everything you do. This leads me onto something else.

A professor stood in front of a class of 30 senior molecular biologic students. Before passing out the final exam paper he said, “You know what, I feel privileged to be your tutor this semester. I know how hard you have prepared for this exam. Many of you will go onto medical school in the Fall. How much pressure there must be in order to keep your grades up. Because I know you are confident of knowing the material, I’m offering an automatic B for anyone who wishes to exit the final exam.”

The noise was audible. Many then jumped up, thanked the professor and left. With few remaining, the professor asked whether there were anymore takers. One other left.

The final exam was handed out and once opened, consisted of 2 sentences;

            Congratulations, you just received an A in this class. Keep believing in yourself.

So it is all about seizing the opportunity and believing in yourself to get to that next level. Would you have stood up? Stand up for something bigger, don’t take second best. Believe in yourself and your abilities to succeed in something greater and for nothing less. Do what you need to do to get that A. Be that leader, show up, change your days and ways. It all starts with you.

We can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or how.

My name is Gary Oakes and I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop the passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is much about internet marketing techniques (free information). Step 3 provides an opportunity to work from home. The website is full of information and you will not see such valuable information contained all in one place and this is available to you. The journey starts by following this simple link to Ideas Working From Home.

There is no commitment or expense to view the free material available to help you, and you never know, this might be the very thing you are looking for!

I keep writing motivational goal setting articles. Why is this? Understanding what you do is easy to describe e.g. a pilot, a chef, an entrepreneur etc. Understanding how you do what you do can also be explained. But do you know why you do what you do? Before you leave the page, just think about this for a minute.
Simon Sinek the author of ‘Discovering Your Why’ is also an inspiring speaker. Not only have I read the book, but have been on a ‘Discover your Why’ course. It really does make you think about why you like to do the things you do. Once your why is clear, the how and what then follows.

So knowing your why is only the start. What is motivating you on a daily basis? What is driving you out bed in the morning? How do you plan your future path? One of the methods, and yes you have heard this before, is to set goals. The principles of setting goals is a reminder, a route map to meet your vision or destination and is a key component to Strategies of Marketing.

Note this. Learning new skills is not the road to mastery. Mastery is about consistent daily practice. You can have all the systems, tools, techniques etc, but if you are not clear why you do the things you do then moving forward will be hard.

Let’s focus on goal setting and rather than read this article and then walk away, let’s treat this like a short workshop. Why not participate in an exercise to establish your goal and post this around your house as a reminder.

6 steps to setting a goal are as follows:
  1. Personal Development. Who do you want to become? What is your mission or purpose? What do you want to achieve? List 3 things you want to become in the next year. What kind of person do you really want to become e.g. a world class internet marketer, a great communicator.List your top priorities for the next 3 months.
  2. Material. What material things would you like to surround yourself with e.g. your ideal house, your sought after car etc. To get your desired material things mean you will need to be the best person of yourself everyday. The things you want will never exceed your development. There maybe no limitations to want material things you want but be realistic.
  3. Financial. In the next year, what would you like as your monthly income?
  4. Business. What three things would you like to accomplish over the next year?
  5. Experiences. On reflection, what would like to say you did, the people you helped and what legacy did you leave behind? Equally, what three experiences will inspire you over the next three months?
  6. Physical. You need to keep your body in shape. A healthy body drives a healthy mind. You will see the difference in the way you perform and act. Get physical today.
So there you have it. A 6 point plan to give you focus and a vision. Don’t go through life directionless. Change your habits and change your ways. Commit and take action to meet your goals. Post these around your house as a reminder. Seriously! No one else is going to push you, so condition your mind and body, keep healthy, stay sharp and do what it takes to get you to where you really want to be. Take action!

We can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or how.

My name is Gary Oakes and I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop the passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is much about internet marketing techniques (free information). Step 3 provides an opportunity to work from home. The website is full of information and you will not see such valuable information contained all in one place and this is available to you. The journey starts by following this simple link to Strategies of Marketing.

There is no commitment or expense to view the free material available to help you, and you never know, this might be the very thing you are looking for!

It is hard and can be depressing when playing a part in something you are ill suited. It’s like walking life wearing the wrong shoes – shoes that just don’t fit. Is this you? Do you feel this way at times?

Do you ever take time out and reflect and ask yourself what are you good at? Where do you shine? What do you enjoy doing the most? What accomplishments make you feel good? Let’s take this one step further, what 5 moments in your life are you, or have been, actually aware of this sensation? Does this reveal anything about you? I bet it is not often enough.  

If money was not a consideration, what would you do to fill your days?

Some bold statements above. So how does this compare with where you are at right now? If you are not getting the results or satisfaction then what small steps can you take to make things better or right? Is it as simple as talking to someone, sending an email, a phone call in order to get you closer to where you would like to be?

What do you know about your purpose? It is said we are all here for a purpose. Do you believe this is the case or do you feel life is about the card you have been dealt. Some areas are just not part of your calling right now.

Here is another one. Who are you masterminding with? Who do you admire and want to follow? How are you like them? It is said your closest 10 friends determines who you are.

Now let’s get into this deeper. What is your vision going forward? Have you got a vision and plan for the next 5 – 10 years from now?

Who in your life gets who you are? What would you like to be remembered by? What would be your legacy? Again it comes back to who you are and why you do the things you do.

Get on the right path, use the right tools and make the right choices.

School was out, a 10 year boy named Charlie was glad to get out of London. He was off to the country to celebrate Christmas. Whilst driving along windy roads with his mother, he was captivated by the snowy landscape. Suddenly the snow got heaver and visibility got bad. The car then slid out of control and ended up in a ditch. Out in the cold, Charlie tried pushing the car whilst his mother hit the accelerator. It proved to be of no use.

They walked along the road until they came to a house. Anxiously, they knocked at a house to asked for some help. A lady invited them in to use the phone and to allow them to warm up. She also made them tea.

So what is so special about this little story? Well it is not every day the Queen of England and her son Charles knocks on your door. Opening up your mind, heart is sometimes as simple as opening a door.

So how do you show up if building the best business ideas from home? One thing for sure is you will have to work at it. You need to look within and believe in yourself. You know you will be tested along the way. At such a point, you have two choices. Either act like a victim or take on the test. Tests can come at any time so stay sharp.

2 lumberjacks challenged each other to see who could chop down the most trees in a day.

At day break, the first one went for it and by noon had chopped down 16 trees. Meanwhile, the other had cut down 4, because he spent most of the morning sharpening his axe. Whilst sharpening, the other laughed because of the wasted time.

By mid afternoon, the first was beginning to slow down and was now taking an hour to chop 1 tree. The other was picking up speed. Although both men were strong, strength had noting to do with this test. It was down to the one who had the sharpest axe. The sharper the axe, the quicker the trees came down. By late afternoon the 2nd lumberjack passed his friend by several trees and won the day.

There is a message here and an important lesson. Don’t lose your edge otherwise you will be unprepared for what is in store for you next. Stay sharp.

Are you working on daily visualisation and meditation on your goals? Are you visualising what you want your life to look like? Learn to develop yourself and cultivate the expectations of leadership.

Change your life then change your days. Enough of the questions.

We can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or how.

My name is Gary Oakes and I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop the passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is much about internet marketing techniques (free information). Step 3 provides an opportunity to work from home. The website is full of information and you will not see such valuable information contained all in one place and this is available to you. The journey starts by following this simple link to an best business ideas from home.

There is no commitment or expense to view the free material available to help you, and you never know, this might be the very thing you are looking for!

One needs to be aware what is going on inside ones head. What you believe determines what you think. What you think determines what you do. What you do paths out and determines your life. In other words, you become what you believe. This could be no further from the truth when looking to build a business with Ideas Working From Home.

We may not always get what we wish for or deserve in life, but generally we don’t get more than what we expect either. Unfortunately this works strongly when feeling negative. Being negative is a choice and can limit both vision and focus.

A guy named Nick worked in the rail industry in an old railway yard. He was a strong tough man who liked his work. In fact he was one of the best employees. He arrived on time, was both reliable and hard working. He also got on well with his co-workers. However, he had one major problem. His attitude was chronically negative.

Nick’s reputation went before him. He was known as the most pessimistic man on the job. He perpetually feared the worst and constantly worried that one day something bad will happen.

One summer day, the crew were told to go home early to change in order to celebrate a birthday of the foreman. They all left except Nick who was just keen to finish the job he was on before joining his co-workers.

As Nick did the final round to ensure there were no lose ends, he managed to lock himself in a refrigerated box car that had been brought into the yard for repairs. The box was empty and not connected to any of the trains. Once he realised he was locked in, he started to panic. He began beating the door of the carriage so hard that his arms and hands become bloody. He screamed as loud as he could until his voice gave out.

Aware of his surrounds, he guessed the temperature was well below freezing. Nick fearing the worst, he waited for the inevitable – to either freeze to death or to suffocate. Shivering, he found a pen and piece of paper and started to write a note…“If I don’t get out soon, these will be the last words I will ever write”. And they were!

The next morning when the crew turned up for work, they found Nick’s body in the box car. The autopsy revealed that Nick did freeze to death. But there was an interesting enigma. On investigating Nick’s death, it was discovered the refrigerator unit on the carriage was in fact switched off as it was out of order. The temperature in the box when Nick froze was as high as 60 degrees – that slightly less at the normal room temperature.

Nick lost his life as a result of the thoughts and fears within his mind. He feared the worse and this came to pass.

There are many who fear the worst and yes the story above does take this to the extreme. People expect and encourage defeat in what they say and think. You see and hear this all the time. These people normally get what they expect and become what they believe.

If this is you then it is time to change. Learn to have a positive outlook, choose to believe in good things and keep negative thoughts at bay. Learn to firstly inspire yourself then secondly inspire others.

You will find it difficult to succeed at home or in business if you don’t believe firstly you are capable and secondly willing. Learn to truly believe in the scope of leadership and will you break the negative barrier and conquer your mind. Start believing today and see what results become forthcoming.   

We can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or how.

My name is Gary Oakes and I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop the passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is much about internet marketing techniques (free information). Step 3 provides an opportunity to work from home. The website is full of information and you will not see such valuable information contained all in one place and this is available to you. The journey starts by following this simple link to Ideas Working From Home.

There is no commitment or expense to view the free material available to help you, and you never know, this might be the very thing you are looking for!